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Nest of Plagues & More Silens @ Rockwave Tavern

Nest of Plagues

Nest of Plagues & More Silens @ Rockwave Tavern

Nest of Plagues:

Metal band from Budapest bringing a strong message with a touch of glitter. With their lyrics, Nest of Plagues reflects on modern social diseases like social anxiety, depression and the feeling of loneliness that people can collectively feel. Sharing this message, they encourage people to face their mental problems and connect with each other, use the power of community.

Bringing a fresh sound to the stage, they expanded from a metalcore sound into groove metal with elements of alternative metal while still adding a little core edge to the mix. Due to their eclectic image and powerful live performances, they bring a little joy and fun where it seems there is only darkness.

More Silens:

The band was formed back in 2006. After some member changes, in that year during the autumn we made our first record called: Promising Redemption.

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