Methadone Skies & The Thirteenth Sun @ Flying Circus
La trei ani după ce au lansat Retrofuture Caveman, Methadone Skies revin cu cel mai heavy LP de până acum, Spectres at Dawn. După ce au infuzat o doză serioasă de post-rock în cele două albume precedente, formația a revenit la piese mai scurte și heavy. Pe lângă amestecul obișnuit de rock psihedelic și stoner, se pot distinge și alte stiluri muzicale precum doom metal, rock progresiv, chiar și blast beats în anumite momente.
Sărbătorind 15 ani de existență, formația instrumentală și independentă din Timișoara, România, Methadone Skies va lansa cel de-al 6-lea album de studio, Spectres at Dawn, pe 25 octombrie sub propria casă de discuri, Haywire Records.
The Thirteenth Sun – The story of the band begins in 2011 when Radu (vocals and lead guitars) started writing the first songs together with Marius Muntean (keyboards). They both came at that particular time from different areas of musical styles but both had a lot of common roots as well and the whole idea was to create music combining elements from the different music genres that defined each of them in order to gain a balance in the end.
This later became the essence of the whole project, making music through shared experiences that is set to make one escape the confinements of routine and be able to gaze outside the limits. Because the night skies often brings one to wonder of the limitless possibilities surrounding us, it occurred as a natural thing to set a starting point of the story that would unfold, from this large sea of possibilities.
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